Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Memorizing ABC's and Books of the Bible

When I have pre-schoolers just learning their alphabet song, I have found a great way to help them memorize it. Each time we brush teeth I sing the song to them. After a few weeks of singing it to them, I then begin to leave letters out and have them fill in the blank. "ABCDEF...." then I wait for them to fill in the blank. "HIJKLMNO...." and so on. After a couple of weeks of this, I leave more letters out, and before you know it, they can say it all by themselves! After they master the alphabet, we move on to the books of the Bible. I know there are several versions of this song. Find one you like and memorize it yourself if you haven't already. Sing it and leave books out, just like the alphabet song. They will have them memorized in just a few weeks! This has worked for me for 4 children so far!
Go and visit Rocks In My Dryer for more great tips!


  1. Lisa,
    Thanks for sharing your tip and stopping by my blog. I've enjoyed reading the introductory posts about your family. Their pictures are precious; they look like very happy children.

    Mrs. C

  2. Mrs. C,
    Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog! Your have already encouraged me tremendously!
