Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Funny Anna Saying....

We have many chickens who produce many eggs for us. We sell them to passers-by for $2 a dozen. This summer we ventured into the world of broody hens hatching their own chicks. We managed to hatch 4 batches of chicks under their mama!
The other day we were discussing how the first batch of pullets were due to start laying sometime this month. Anna, who is 4, was listening in on our conversation. After mulling it all over, she asked with a curious look on her face...

"Mommy, when will Isabelle start laying eggs?"

Isabelle is our 10 year old German Shephard.


  1. That is so cute! I just love preschoolers. Can't wait to read Anna's introduction.

    Thanks for visiting my blog - it's taken me a while to get here but I'm so glad I did! Your family is beautiful. You are already an inspiration to me - wow! Welcome to the world of blogging!

  2. Thanks, Katherine! I just posted Anna's intro this morning....a little later than I had planned.
